Monday, May 31, 2010

"Friend Of Failure"

Madam prezident interviews Dre Smith Double major college student, Majoring in Pyshcology and Fashion! Fashion is not just fashion, its a lifestyle!


Jenny was a bitach! I analyzed jenny & its kinda funny!


Ladies, its not a vitamin, casual sex should not be happening every single day!


Alicia Keys is pregnant by a STILL Married Man, his divorce Is not finalized!! She's gonna lose him the same way she got him!!!

Alicia Keys Pregnant BY A MARRIED MAN!

Everyone is congratulating Alicia, like this isnt a FUKD up situation!!!


Rihanna went hard on her new Video, TE AMO. Can beyonce make the same video and not catch hell?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Odd: Baby Smokes Two Packs a Day

Why would this baby's parent's allow him to smoke two packs per day? ;

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Black Pastor Puts Wife's Body in Freezer

A pastor gets 51-years in prison for putting his wife's body in a freezer.

Friday, May 21, 2010

"The Game Iz Back"

Madam Prezident, witnessed Tia Moury say "THE GAME IS OFFICIALLY RETURNING" and Everyone including writers and producers are RETURNING AZ WELL. See for yourself

Monday, May 17, 2010

Little Girls Dance to "All The Single Ladies" - Is This Too Damn Much?

Yes, this is too much - little kids don't need to be dancing like this.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Memoirs of a Black Latina

Christina Mendez stars in "Memoirs of a Black Latina" - Latina women are moving!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Dr. Boyce And The Ladies Sound Off on Celebrity Infidelity

Dr. Boyce Talks to The Ladies As They Sound Off on Celebrity Infidelity